ALEXIS GOUGEARD AT COFIDIS The rider returns to the UCI World Tour!

ALEXIS GOUGEARD AT COFIDIS The rider returns to the UCI World Tour!

Published on : 07/28/2023

Alexis Gougeard, a well-known and experienced French rider, was forced into the amateur ranks after the B&B Hotels team folded. But his performances in the amateur ranks, notably at the French championships in June, attracted the interest of the Cofidis team, which was keen to offer him a helping hand to get back to the top level. He has signed up for one season.

You should have seen him last June, on the roads of Cassel at the French amateur championships. Alexis Gougeard had embarked on a long solo raid. Alone, in the heat and in the face of adversity, he put on quite a show, demonstrating that he was still capable of pulling out all the stops. At the age of 30, he had long worn the colors of the AG2R-Citroën team, and had been one of the riders whose career had been put on hold following the demise of the B&B Hotels team. 

After that, it was a case of hanging in there, regaining motivation and battling it out at amateur level. Alexis benefited from the outstretched hand, thoughtfulness and commitment of the VC Rouen 76 club. The Normandy-based structure helped him determine a program, choose his races, regain his confidence and build up his power. A handful of months later, an enthusiastic and determined rider is about to return to professional racing. Cofidis is proud to have Alexis in its ranks. The rider, equally at ease in one-day races and stage races, hopes to give his all to make his new colors shine in 2024.


Alexis Gougeard, a career at a glance

30 years old, 1.76 metres, 70 kg
11 victories including...
2019: Circuit Cycliste Sarthe 
2017: Poly Normande 
2015: Tour de l'Eurométropole 
2015: 19th stage of the Vuelta 


Alexis Gougeard: "I'm delighted that the team has put its trust in me. All season long, my aim was to bounce back and show that I was capable of returning to the professional level.  I'm delighted to see that the Cofidis team has appreciated the work I've put in over the last few months. I'm particularly grateful to VC Rouen 76, who have supported me throughout the season, allowing me to express myself while giving me a lot of freedom. It helped me regain my confidence, and I'd like to thank them for this wonderful adventure. I can't wait to get started with Cofidis and I'm ready to give it my all!" 

Cédric Vasseur, sports manager: "We'd already talked to Alexis before about him joining our ranks, but it never happened. We've been watching him this year, and given the results he's already achieved with the professionals and his superiority at amateur level, we're delighted to offer him the chance to prove what he's capable of at the highest level. Alexis is one of those rare riders capable of putting on a great show, and he's already shown that on several occasions. He'll be part of the Classics squad, but he'll also be a rider capable of achieving further success with the Cofidis jersey in stage races. I'm sure that the year he spent alongside Jean-Philippe Yvon at the Rouen cycling club will have enabled him to look forward to the second half of his career with new ambitions.

Jean-Philippe Yon, sports director of VC Rouen 76: "We did everything we could at the club to get him back into the swing of things and restore his confidence. Naturally, we're very proud to see Alexis back on the professional circuit. He's managed to be happy pedaling and happy in his head, and that's helped him regain his confidence. Alexis has managed to unite the whole group around him and create a real buzz around the club.  We'd all like to thank Team Cofidis for giving him another chance. And we're convinced he'll live up to the ambitions of his new team!"