VICTOR LAFAY, "a victory dedicated to all Cofidis employees".

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Published on : 07/03/2023

For the first time in 15 years, Cofidis rider Victor Lafay has won the Tour de France. Thierry Vittu, President of Cofidis Compétition, looks back on this moment in history, a reward for the trust, support and dedication of Victor's team-mates, the entire staff and all Cofidis Group employees.

President of Cofidis Compétition: 

"It's been fifteen years that the Cofidis team has been waiting to win another stage at the Tour de France. I'd like to congratulate Victor on having given us this incredible thrill. But I'd also like to pay tribute to the dedication and team spirit of his team-mates and the entire staff.

I'd like to dedicate this victory to all the Cofidis Group employees. There are over 5,600 of them in 9 European countries. It's thanks to the high quality of their day-to-day work with all our customers that we can afford to have a top-class team. This success gives meaning to our commitment and 26 years of involvement in professional cycling.

Tremendous emotion   

It's not a revenge on the past, it's the reward for a mutual trust, the demonstration that this sport is essential for the Cofidis brand in France and in all the countries where we are established. We were lucky enough to have representatives from Cofidis Slovakia with us on Sunday, and we're proud to have shared this unique memory with them. In terms of image, awareness and spin-offs, it's obviously very positive for today and for the future we're working to build.

On a personal note, while I'm still President of Cofidis Compétition, I retired from my position as Director of Human Resources for the Cofidis Group on Saturday. When I saw Victor raise his arms, I couldn't help shedding a few tears. Experiencing an event like this today is an enormous emotion, a moment that will remain engraved forever."

Mathilde L'Azou